
Welcome to ROSE STUDIOS.
A project designed to help you create magic.

We can confidently say that the fitness and wellness industry is booming, and dare we say - oversaturated. With boutique studios popping up left and right, it is easier than ever to find any kind of workout or wellness studio for your needs. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re finding a good experience

Well, I’m here to change that. Whether you can’t seem to figure out what makes a studio ‘a vibe’ or need to curate a custom retail line that will make your clients swoon, I’m here to help you finesse the details of what creates a beautiful vibrational match for your studio's vision.

I do what I do

Simply put, I want to help put more beauty into the world.

I feel passionate about helping business owners in an industry I know and love to create amazing experiences that open people up to the beauty the industry can hold.

I want to make consciousness sexy and beautiful and an experience that people want to come back to and partake in.

I’m a little DIFFERENT

I believe paying attention to the details is punk. I love bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana, I’m obsessed with psychedelic alternative culture, and my closet consists of mostly black.

AND - I care deeply about my spiritual practice. I cherish the high after a great savasana. Witnessing the sun rise with my morning matcha is my favorite part of the day and fueling my body with nourishing, high vibrational food is without a doubt a priority.

I believe these two worlds can beautifully harmonize into one.

I really, really BELIEVE

That consciousness should be accessible for everyone, and that everyone should be able to experience a beautifully curated experience.

Everyone deserves to feel the power of an experience that has been intentionally curated.

The Street Cred

If it interests you, here’s my professional & personal journey.

  • ✦  BS Graphic Design, University of Colorado Boulder

    ✦  RYT Yoga Instructor / Ayurvedic Health Counselor, (2021)

    ✦  Somatic Coach with Body Based Breakthrough Method (2024)

    ✦  SoulCycle Instructor

    ✦  Experience Manager of The Space Between

  • Once upon a time, I had an awful relationship with exercise.

    Oftentimes, I would force myself to go on a run, or find myself in my parent’s basement begrudgingly running in place, under fluorescent lighting, staring at the mileage number on the treadmill. I would blast my Y2K playlist to avoid hearing the pounding of my sneakers on the belt of the machine. 

    The experience wasn’t glamorous and it didn’t feel like a celebration of the capabilities of my body. It felt like punishment. I thought of it as something that I had to do in order to look the way I wanted to look. It had nothing to do with the way that I felt after, even though I knew that there was magic in the way that I felt after I moved my body.

    I knew that there was another way to experience this euphoria, yet I felt lonely in the process, as I would usually go and exercise on my own. 

    I never knew the power community held in exercise experiences.

    I discovered the magic of SoulCycle and group fitness, and the rest was history. I saw that people were creating entire communities around the euphoric high of working out and the beauty of our bodies. Not only that, they were highlighting the importance that music had in all of it too. As someone who is passionate about music, this was like a goldmine for me. 

    I finally understood the importance of experience curation in group fitness. 

    Creating beauty in the fitness industry has revolutionized the way I think about health and wellness. If we could restructure the industry to where everyone came for beautiful experiences and community, how much healthier would we be as a society?

    It’s my passion to bring beautiful experiences to the health and wellness world, because everyone deserves to feel good. 

    Everyone deserves to feel welcome in a space that brings them home to themselves. And that is exactly what I want to be doing, I want to bring people home to themselves with detail oriented beautiful experiences. 

    I have a passion for curating the wellness industry because I want people to understand how much harmony it can bring them, I want people to keep coming back and I want them to feel the energetics of alignment. I want people to heal their relationships with their body through exercise and I want to create cohesive spaces that inform and perpetuate deep community.

MY northstars

“The more personal you make it, the more universal it becomes.”





Tell me all of your dreams, goals + visions with a 30-minute clarity call, on the house.